Thursday 14 October 2010

Production Schedule & Assets List

Above are two documents that will help me when filming my music video, they are the production schedule and the Assets List. The Assets List is an itinerary of everything I need to use in order to make my music video a success. I feel this is an important document as it can help me on the day of filming to remember everything I need to have in order to film. The Production Schedule is a guide to when i want to film, I have chosen 4 days in the first week of my half term as everybody who have agreed to be involved in my video are free. The reason I have chosen four days is that I need to compensate for the weather, I'm hoping that at least 2 of these 4 days will have weather where I 'am able to film my music video.

Monday 11 October 2010

Music Video Analysis - Flobots Handlebars

Above is an image of my music video analysis. The music video I analysed was Handlebars by Flobots. This songs music video is below for you to have a look at.

Animatronic Story Board

Below is the video to my animatronics, it allows you to see what kind of shape my video will take, however cannot show the special effects, or camera movement I want to use.

However you could show what you wanted to happen by labeling each post it note, it just cannot show the actual effect or movement happening.

When filming the animatronics I had to use a small video camera and a tripod, once I had inserted my tape I assembled the video camera onto the tripod and began to film each post it note cutting in between each note. Once I had finished filming I had to import the film onto Adobe Premier Pro, I then put the clips together and made the film above as you can see.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Still Images of My Track

Below are my still images. These still images are a first impression of what I want to happen in my music video. The track that the images are based around is called Sweet Caroline, by Neil Diamond. The idea of making these storyboards was so that I could gain a visual idea of how my track would look. It was also very helpful in the way that you could begin to get a feel of where you needed to go and perhaps how long the filming process would take overall. Another advantage of making the storyboards was that you can see if you needed to add anything, for example if the track needed an extra scene to make the flow better.